The Voices for Tasmanian Youth

The Commissioner for Children and Young People has established a Consultative Council called ‘The Voices for Tasmanian Youth’.

The Council comprises 19 children and young people aged 10 to 18, representing diverse identities, backgrounds, and experiences from communities across Tasmania. Its primary purpose is to ensure that children and young people participate in, and have their voices heard during the development of the Tasmanian Government’s Child Sexual Abuse Reform Strategy (the Strategy) and Action Plan.

In forming the Council, the Commissioner consulted with subject-matter experts and collaborated with Laurel House and the Sexual Assault Support Service. These organisations have provided education and training to Council members on sexual safety, consent, and self-care when discussing sensitive topics. Additionally, they offer Council members access to 24-hour support.

During Stage One of their work, the Council was supported to produce a series of original outputs and content, highlighted below, including:

  • A written report, highlighting the Council’s vision for a safer Tasmania and presenting key recommendations and actions;
  • An interactive, creative piece of work produced in collaboration with Tasmanian creative arts and theatre organisation, Terrapin;
  • A social media advocacy and awareness-raising campaign;
  • In-person meetings with a range of key decision-makers.   

During Stage Two of their work, a smaller group of older members of the VTY worked to publish a second report, Messages for Change: Our Perspectives on Change for Children. This report responded to how the group’s 5 key messages had been incorporated into the Government’s Change for Children Strategy.

VTY Outputs

Speaking Out for a Safer Tomorrow: Our Messages for Change – Report

Speaking Out for a Safer Tomorrow: Our Messages for Change – Child Friendly Version

Messages for Change: Our Perspectives on Change for Children – Report

Social Media Takeover

Voices for Tasmanian Youth event

Photos from an event held Friday 12 July 2024, at the Rivers Edge, University of Tasmania, Launceston.

Photos by Hannah Todd of Terrapin

A Mountain of Voices – Created in collaboration with Terrapin

“A Mountain of Voices was dreamed up by members of the Voices for Tasmanian Youth through a series of creative workshops and was later brought to life by the team at Terrapin. The Mountain invites children and young people to share their thoughts, views and ideas with the adults around them.

Only children and young people can climb the mountain and speak into the megaphone…and share a Power Statement to remind adults of why their voices matter.

Young people are also invited to write their Power Statement or draw a picture on a post it note, which they can nail to the side of the mountain. As the statements build up, each young person who climbs the mountain is lifted up by the voices of their peers… and the Mountain serves as a reminder of the importance of young peoples’ voices, especially when it comes to instances of abuse.”

Comments by a member of the Voices for Tasmanian Youth at the 12 July 2024 event.


The key objectives of the Commissioner’s work through this project are to:

  • Enable Participation: Provide children and young people with the opportunity to participate in and have their voices heard during the development of the Strategy and Action Plan.
  • Empower Youth: Ensure that children and young people feel empowered to share their views and ideas on how to make Tasmania a safer place for them.
  • Promote Child-Centred Leadership: Adopt a child-centred and child-led approach in the establishment and functioning of the Council, allowing children and young people to define the Council’s identity and direction.
  • Ensure a Safe Environment: Create a safe and supportive environment for children and young people to exercise their participatory rights.

Identity and culture

The Council has independently chosen and created its group name, The Voices for Tasmanian Youth, and developed its own mission statement – Speaking Out for a Safer Tomorrow. They have also crafted their visual identity and established an internal agreement outlining behaviour, values, and expectations, titled ‘Being Our Best Selves’ (BOBS). You can view these below.