Commissioner for Children and Young People Leanne McLean today welcomed the B4 Early Years Coalition Big Screen Little Screen Project Pilot.
“This is part of the B4 Coalition’s efforts to raise awareness of the importance of the earliest days of a child’s life to their lifelong wellbeing. This contributes to the aims of the It Takes a Tasmanian Village: Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy,” Ms McLean said.
“The aim of the project is to reinforce the importance of the first 1000 days by featuring key messages in targeted and highly visible public spaces around Tasmania.
“The first location is the Eastlands Shopping Centre in Bellerive, where the messages will be displayed both inside and outside on electronic digital advertising screens.”
Ms McLean said the first 1000 days of every child’s life is critical.
“We know this period from pregnancy to 2 years is both a period of great opportunity and vulnerability for children.
“What happens in the first 1000 days has effects on children’s wellbeing and development both now and throughout their lifetime.”
The B4 Coalition Pilot is being supported by local early years services and businesses throughout Bellerive.
“The message: ‘Their first 1000 days last a lifetime – Play. Love. Learn. TOGETHER’ raises awareness and understanding of how important this period of development is and the actions we all can take to support children and their families thrive and grow in their communities.”
Ms McLean said B4 has developed a first 1000 days Toolkit, which includes a range of resources and information for parents, carers and families.
“The Toolkit focuses on why this period is so important and the simple actions they can take to support their children’s development, wellbeing and learning.
“It’s as simple as playing, loving, and learning together.”
For more information, visit: First 1000 days Big Screen Project launch – B4 Early Years Coalition (