Media Releases - 29 November 2023

Case Management Investigation – November 2023

The Commissioner for Children and Young People’s investigation into a change to the case management of children and young people in care has concluded.

The Commissioner Leanne McLean commenced her own-motion investigation into changes to the case management of children and young people in out-of-home care in Tasmania in December, 2022.

Her final report: “A Place at the Table” was released today.

Ms McLean provided an overview of her findings and recommendations to key stakeholders during a webinar event today.

“I have launched my report through a variety of communication methods, including through conversations with the young people who helped me in the design of the investigation,” Ms McLean said.

“I wish to thank every child and young person who participated in this investigation and shared their views about the effect of the change to case management on children and young people in care.

“I have also heard from Child Safety Officers who impressed upon me their dedication to safeguarding the rights of children and young people in care.

“The commitment of Child Safety Officers to knowing, understanding and supporting the needs of individual children and young people is fundamental to children’s safety in care. I acknowledge and thank them for undertaking their critically important role.”

In the report, the Commissioner made nine findings, including that the change to team-based case management represented a substantial systemic change that did not uphold the rights of children and young people in care.

“I have also made seven recommendations, including that the Department for Education, Children and Young People takes immediate steps to re-set its relationship with children and young people in care by demonstrating a commitment to recognising, understanding and upholding their rights.

“I also recommended that system-level decisions made to support the administration of Tasmania’s child protection legislation are accompanied by a statement considering the contemporary impact on the rights of children and young people in care.”

During the Commissioner’s investigation, the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings released 191 recommendations.

“My report emphasises how important it is to remember that a child or young person’s right to participate, and be heard, across all aspects of our systems, is fundamental to their safety and therefore to the success of any reform agenda.”

The Commissioner now looks forward to the Government’s response to her report and recommendations.

The final report of the Commissioner’s investigation, together with a suite of child-friendly communications (including an infographic and video), are available on the Commissioner’s website at