The Voices Project

The Voices of Young People in the Youth Justice System Project (Voices Project) promotes and empowers young people with recent lived experience of the Tasmanian youth justice system to share their views on this system.

By working with young people to share their views about what contact with this system can be like for children and young people, this project provides critical insights into the system’s impact on children and young people in Tasmania. The Voices Project informs the Commissioner’s ongoing systemic advocacy about the reforms needed to promote, protect, and uphold the rights and wellbeing of children and young people in Tasmania.

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Voices Project reports covering a range of topics will be released throughout 2024.

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Voices Project Reports

Listen: This is my voice” (July 2023) describes how young people with a youth justice experience view the factors affecting young people’s first and ongoing contact with the law, and how we can better support all young people, including those who may engage in harmful behaviour, to grow and thrive.

Nowhere else to go” – Young people’s views on homelessness (May 2024) shares the views of young people with recent lived experience of the Tasmanian youth justice system about what it is like for children and young people in Tasmania to experience homelessness, and the importance of having a safe, secure place to call home to prevent the risk of offending behaviour.

Kids that have fallen through the cracks” – Young people’s views on supporting children, young people and their families (November 2024) shares the views of young people with experience of the Tasmanian youth justice system about the supports that they believe children and young people need to reduce the likelihood that they will have contact with the youth justice system in Tasmania.

“Somewhere safe to go” – Young people’s experiences of leaving detention (March 2025) shares the views of young people with a youth justice experience about what it is like for children and young people in Tasmania to leave detention, including how young people may feel upon release, and the importance of ongoing support after leaving detention.

This project is about the experiences of young people in Tasmania’s youth justice system. Some of their experiences include references to family violence, drug use and abuse. Some young people used strong language to describe these experiences. Readers might find the content of this report distressing. The services listed below can be contacted for support:

  • 1800 RESPECT | 1800 737 732
  • Family Violence Counselling Support | Service: 1800 608 122
  • Blue Knot (childhood and complex trauma support) | 1300 657 380
  • 13YARN for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people | 13 92 76
  • A Tasmanian Lifeline | 1800 984 434
  • Lifeline | 13 11 14
  • Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800