The Commissioner for Children and Young People Leanne McLean today welcomed the Tasmanian Government’s $4.3 million package for additional housing and homelessness support.
“This is a welcome step forward for Tasmanian children, young people and families who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are homeless already,” Ms McLean said.
“The causes of homelessness are complex, and children frequently face significant adversity in their lives prior to becoming homeless.
“I particularly welcome the announcement to invest in more services to support young people presenting at homelessness shelters, which I understand will deliver on several recommendations of the Under 16 Youth Homelessness Taskforce.”
Ms McLean said, the commitment to invest in intensive case management, outreach support and family mediation for children and young people is a great step forward and an improvement on the way we respond to the complex needs of children who are homeless and alone, especially those who are under 16 years of age.
“However, I look forward to the full release of the Taskforce’s recommendations and further collaborations towards their full implementation.”
“For many homeless young people, living through the COVID-19 pandemic adds another level of stress and hardship that many Tasmanians cannot imagine.
“I will continue to monitor the situation and will have further discussions with Government and the community sector to ensure progress on this important issue.”