This week, the Interim Commissioner for Children and Young People lodged a submission in response to the Tasmanian Government’s public consultation on its draft Commission for Children and Young People Bill 2024.
This submission is available through the CCYP website and presses the argument that the Tasmanian Government seize this unique opportunity to create a new nation-leading children’s oversight system for Tasmania.
The Interim Commissioner thanks the many stakeholders who took time to speak with her about their impressions of the draft Bill. These conversations have informed a rounded, robust submission.
The Interim Commissioner especially thanks the many hundreds of children and young people from across Tasmania who contributed their own views about what a new Commission should know and do in its work with and for them.

Examples of the many hundred postcards received by the Interim Commissioner for Children and Young People.
Through an arts-based ‘postcard’ engagement activity, along with three focus groups, the CCYP also heard from almost 700 children and young people about their views about the things that are important in their lives. Contributions were received from right across the state (representing over 130 suburbs).
Such was the level of response, the Interim Commissioner intends to release a special publication in early 2025, documenting the engagement activity and sharing the wonderful insights shared by children and young people.
The Interim Commissioner looks forward to participating in further conversations to inform the creation of the new Commission as the Government progresses work to refine its draft Bill.
Until such time as the current Commissioner for Children and Young People Act 2016 is replaced, the Interim Commissioner continues to advocate for the best possible outcomes for all children and young people across Tasmania.