Guide to Tasmanian oversight bodies

How to be heard when you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child or young person

March 2025 | Version 1.0

Developed in response to recommendation 18.14 of the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings, this user-friendly guide summarises the five key Tasmanian oversight bodies with a role in keeping children and young people safe.

The guide has been developed by the Ombudsman, the Office of the Independent Regulator, the Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Integrity Commission and the Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Scheme.

The guide outlines:

  • how each oversight body respond to reports of child sexual abuse
  • how complaints and concerns are managed, and
  • how information provided to each body is managed.

Published as version 1.0, this interim resource will be revised following the establishment of the new Commission for Children and Young People.

You can download a copy of the Guide below, in formats suitable for viewing on screen or printing, with a child-friendly version of the guide to be made available in the near future.